Thursday, October 30, 2008


John McCain "clinched" the Republican nomination on March 3rd.
Barack Obama clinched the Democratic nomination June 3rd.

How could anyone honestly be undecided at this point? These two couldn't possibly be more different. The close race between Kerry and Bush sort of made sense in '04 - one was an incumbent, a war-time incumbent, of all things - and one was utterly uninspiring.

But this is a different race with two nominees who have vastly differing running mates and utterly contrasting backgrounds (rich, poor, educated, militarized, etc...). Oh, and there's the whole platform thing. McCain is offering us a third Bush term by stepping up military spending on the war of terror and giving corporate America more tax breaks so that their piss can drip down upon the rest of us, somehow anointing us with prosperity. Obama wants to relieve the struggling middle class and take the war where it belonged in the first place, Afghanistan.

Honestly people, if you haven't decided by now, stay home. You were given democracy, however often it breaks down, don't take that right and shit all over it.