Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This question I hurtle into the (rhetorical) ether...

am I the last person on earth who thinks that hiring someone else to clean your house is an unforgivably lazy and inhumane practice? (Not counting people who are physically or mentally unable to due to conditions well beyond their control.)

I can't help but see such actions as saying: "You're poorer than I am so you should be cleaning up filth I create."

I understand a busy lifestyle, I do - I usually have 4 free hours per night (between arriving home and going to bed) to walk my dog, cook, eat and clean. Never mind doing something good like reading, writing or going out. Time is not easily come by, but if one has time to live in his or her house and spread his or her filth around, one should have time to clean it up.
(This coming from a person who has not had a house containing a dishwasher or washing machine in it since the age of 18).

On the other hand, I realize that people need jobs, any jobs, and there are obviously people able and willing to do such work, no matter how badly it pays. And it does pay badly. I also realize that while I don't pay other people to clean my house, I do pay them to haul my trash, make my clothes, grow and picky my vegetables, grow and slaughter my meat, and (sometimes) fully prepare my food.

I'm not calling for a return to the Agrarian society. No, I am just pondering where the laziness line lies.

What are the reasonable tasks for which I should take personal responsibliity?

What ones are not?

1 comment:

Amy Perez said...

Yes, you are the last person in the world to think that.