Friday, October 10, 2008

Very-very-very fine house

Sean and I are officially residents of Palo Alto. We have no furniture and have discovered that our DirectTV account is useless at this new address, but we're moved in and so far everything's fucking super.

I've been riding my bike to work every day - besides the oil-less commute (which I love), the best part is smelling the eucalyptus each morning as I ride through the less developed parts of campus to get to my building. And this morning I watched the sun rise over Hoover tower - it also turned the rolling hills in the distance an amazing purple color.

The new 'hood requires some adjustment for our dog - Brisbane was the land of off-leash living, not so much Palo Alto.

Hopefully muttly will get used to leash-life before she dislocates one of our shoulders...

We're still in the process of emptying and cleaning out our old place in Brisbane - time and energy are at a premium, lately. *Yawn*

Emily, my first roommate in Alaska and good buddy flies into town this afternoon, so we probably won't get much done this weekend, either - she's worthy of the sacrifice, however; no complaints.

Autumn is beautiful in Palo Alto - maybe not as beautiful as New England's, but it's warm and colorful, so as burnt out as I feel, life is really very good.

And that's the news from here.

If you have second, check out this website about breaking the bottled water habit - our water supplies may depend on it.

Read it, embrace it and pass it along.

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