Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rewrite and On Gonzo

I guess we can call this my first full draft of my latest poem (the rough draft appears several posts back). I like where it's going, my goal is to expand it for readability. It's still pretty cryptic - it's about miscommunication if you must know - but I'm not looking to write a story, either.

Letter head

Should we call me a cat’s toy or

tired mouse? Wound

rewound, rusty key wrench

me back and back – flat thumb

return. Ding. That’s not quite

it – a double-breasted
a mailbox slit rammed with
letters, ink seeps
from my nose and collects
collections unread. We

won’t extend one finger,
unfurl a knuckle inside the crease
split a jagged paper line – not for old
time’s sake or even a bubble of gas,
a laugh. Rip, shred. We, flurry of loose’d

pages a sigh, leaves that never hit

the ground. We boats sink

paper melts from our mouth.
We are the page, slicing
each pad of fingers I own.
I the whole hand, cup
at the sea, open.

In other news... there's a heat-wave going on here right now. It's dry heat, but the sun is pretty intense, so everyone is bracing themselves for noontime. Mostly, I enjoy it, though I do realize I need some lighter weight pants or some more long skirts - my many pairs of jeans ain't doing me any favors this week.

My in-laws are apparently heading up to wine country for a week on Friday, so we'll be camping out at their house for some of the time they're gone. Such stays are like living in a hotel where you need to clean up after yourself. They have a dandy tub (huge, just huge), a dishwasher (brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it), a washer and dryer and several enormous TV's which are great for watching movies like Dr. Strangelove, Manhattan and MASH (especially the latter). They also live much closer to Stanford - a big plus. The downside is that their neighborhood sucks for Frieda. We have to keep her on a leash at all times and most of the dogs around there a jerks. Or else their owners are, same difference.

When our laptop ate some of iTunes files last month (prompting us to buy a beeeautiful iMac), we were forced to remake our song lists. I burned all of our Hank Williams cd's and made a huge Hank Sr. list - I've been listening to nothing except Hank and Tom Waits this week. I think it's treating my mind well. They're both amazing song writers, especially lyricists, and are a good reminder that simplicity can work when used well.

Speaking of good writers, a documentary has been made about the good doctor Hunter Thompson (a modern writer very dear to my heart, especially for his work on Nixon's '72 campaign). It's called Gonzo and from what I can tell by the trailer, features commentary by Tom Wolf, Jimmy Carter, Ralph Steadman (of course), Jann Wenner, Pat Buchanan (insert your own chortle here) and George McGovern. The director, Alex Gibney, also directed Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, which was excellent. It's been since Xmas, with the release of Juno, when there was actually a new movie out I wanted to see. High five.

The trouble with Nixon is that he's a serious politics junkie. He's totally hooked and like any other junkie, he's a bummer to have around, especially as President.

- Dr. HST

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